Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I miss my friends: fish tacos and grilled cheese sandwiches

Something has changed.

Previously, on the Beth Show, I had been enjoying my new found strict diet of fruits and vegetables. I felt rejuvenated and excited. It was fun to find that I had lost a pound per day of veganism (mostly water weight, but good times no less). I marveled at the ease in which I was able to whip up meals I could share with friends and I savored the new dishes I was trying at some of my favorite restaurants.

Today, not so. I am irritable, hungry and I am lonely for my friends: fish tacos and grilled cheese sandwiches. Earlier today, I passed on tomato soup due to the splash of creme the chef so thoughtfully added. I don't recall tomato soup ever turning her back on me! Not when I was down and out and sought solace in her red velvety richness nor when I was too poor to afford anything else. Now that I think of it, tomato soup never so much as said peep when I went through the whole adding ramen noodles to my soup phase.

I'm beginning to think, there are too many good foods made by good people for me to stay indefinitely buckled in the culinary back seat whimpering and whining like brat faced child wondering, out loud, repeatedly, if we're there yet and is there dairy in that? (Pinch your nose when you say that for effect).

The lunch lady at the Film Fest Club House even rolled her eyes at me today. I asked if there was dairy in the hummus. I don't blame her really, the food was free and it still wasn't good enough for me.

I'm remembering now, last week, John spent five minutes in the meat section of the grocery store perusing grass fed and local beef without me. He missed me. I could tell.

Nonetheless, I shall persevere. Seven days down, 23 days to go.

1 comment:

beth said...

#6 is my fav!

(hi beth roberts!.... my name is beth roberts too fyi.. that is if i yours actually is as well..)

i was vegan back in 1995 for a while...worked at "health food" grocery stores to support my habit and all, til it turned into a freegan kind of thing (too many free muffins around), all in all it didn't last super long but i learned a lot about different types of food that were out there that i might otherwise not have. This was of course before hummus and veggie sushi were as mainstream as they are now. they are mainstream now right?

Good Luck and Have fun figuring out what your body likes! or have fun doing this for what ever reason you are doing this.